Creating Eden
Before I start my counseling, I think it is important to create the right atmosphere, where there is safety and God can move. Ultimately, it is not me who does it, but I open myself up so that God's Spirit may work through me and I may assist others.
From my own experience I also know how important it is to have a safe place where you can share your 'secret' without judgment or blame and bring it to Light together.
Safety also lies in not downplaying the situation. By this I mean that themes such as forgiveness or reconciliation are addressed at the end of the process. There may and must even be room for all the emotions and disappointments caused by the injustice that has been done. I see forgiveness as a divine aspect that is set free by God, so that you can give it away to Him and He can enlighten you.

The name Creating Eden comes from the Garden of Eden, also called paradise. God needs an atmosphere to have fellowship, to meet, to work. In 2 Chronicles 20:21 we can read how Judah achieved victory by creating an atmosphere of jubilation and praise. Where God is exalted, there is a shift in the atmosphere. Also in the New Testament, including in Acts 16:25-26, you can read how Paul and Silas are released from prison through prayer and praise. An atmosphere is created that even the prisoners are silent and listening. An earthquake occurs causing all the doors to open and the shackles to fall loose from them. The examples show how powerful and beautiful it is to be in God's atmosphere and where His presence may be experienced.